D&W can apply Category I (Cat I) and Category 2 (Cat II) Safety backing to mirror. Made in USA — D & W Incorporated Antique Mirror, Specialty Mirror, Fabricated mirror and glass

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Digitally print anything to mirror or glass! Highest quality, resolution, and ability to customize in the Industry

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Safety Backing

Mirror/Glass | Tempered/Laminated Sandblasting | Precision Water Jet | Safety Backing | Custom V-Grooving | Bevelling | Antique Mirror | Accessories Edgework

D&W, Inc. has 3 separate tables that can apply either Category I or II safety backing to any size piece.  D&W safety backing meets ANSI code Z97.1.  D&W has everything you need to meet your industry's requirements. 



Category II Safety Backing (In Back) has an interwoven pattern.  Category I Safety Backing (In Front) has a smooth finish.Mirror Mastic will not adhere to Category I Safety Backing but will adhere to Category II Safety Backing.

Category II Safety Backing (In Back) has an interwoven pattern.  Category I Safety Backing (In Front) has a smooth finish.

Mirror Mastic will not adhere to Category I Safety Backing but will adhere to Category II Safety Backing.